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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Was Theodore Herzl, the Founder of Jewish Zionism an Atheist?

Theodor Herzl, often regarded as the father of modern political Zionism, was not an atheist, but his relationship with religion was complex. Herzl was born into a secular Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary, and he was more culturally Jewish than religiously observant. While Herzl was deeply committed to the idea of a Jewish state, his Zionism was largely a political and nationalist movement rather than a religious one.

Herzl believed in the need for a Jewish homeland primarily as a solution to the persistent anti-Semitism Jews faced in Europe. His vision for the Jewish state was inclusive of both secular and religious Jews, and he did not see the future Jewish state as being strictly religious.

In summary, while Herzl was not a devoutly religious person, he was not an outright atheist either. His Zionism was driven more by cultural and political considerations than by religious faith.

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