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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Is 'Treacherous Alliance' by Trita Parsi about Secret Alliance between Iran and Israel even during Khomeini's era?

"Treacherous Alliance" by Trita Parsi: A Look at the Secret Relationship Between Iran and Israel, Even During Khomeini's Era


"Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States" by Trita Parsi is a groundbreaking book that delves into the complex and often paradoxical relationship between Iran and Israel, including their covert interactions during the Khomeini era. This period is particularly fascinating because, despite the ideological divide between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Jewish state, both countries found themselves cooperating behind the scenes. Parsi's book challenges the common perception that Iran and Israel have always been bitter enemies and exposes the nuanced, pragmatic, and sometimes contradictory nature of their relationship.

Iran-Israel Relations Before the Islamic Revolution

To understand the full scope of the relationship, it’s essential to start with the context of the pre-revolution era. Before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran, under the Pahlavi monarchy led by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, enjoyed a close and cooperative relationship with Israel. Both nations were aligned against Arab nationalism, particularly the threat posed by Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser, who sought to unite the Arab world against perceived imperialist and Zionist threats. This shared threat made Iran and Israel natural allies, and they collaborated on several fronts, including intelligence sharing, military cooperation, and economic ties.

Parsi meticulously details this pre-revolution collaboration, laying the groundwork for understanding why the two countries might have continued their secretive dealings even after the rise of the Islamic Republic, despite the stark ideological shift that occurred when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini took power.

The Ideological Shift and the Emergence of a Secret Alliance

The 1979 Islamic Revolution drastically altered Iran’s political landscape. The new regime, led by Ayatollah Khomeini, openly declared Israel an enemy, branding it as the "Little Satan" (with the United States being the "Great Satan"). The anti-Israel rhetoric became a cornerstone of the Islamic Republic's ideology, and Iran formally cut off all diplomatic ties with Israel. Publicly, the two countries appeared to be fierce adversaries.

However, as Parsi reveals in "Treacherous Alliance," this enmity was far more complicated. Beneath the surface, geopolitical and strategic interests continued to bind Iran and Israel together in ways that were at odds with their public posturing. One of the most striking examples of this clandestine cooperation occurred during the early years of the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988). Although the Islamic Republic of Iran officially denounced Israel, the two countries shared a common enemy: Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein.

Parsi explains how Israel, despite Khomeini’s anti-Zionist stance, decided to provide covert support to Iran during the war. Israel feared the rise of Saddam Hussein as a powerful and hostile actor in the region, and it viewed a weakened Iraq as being in its own strategic interest. Iran, on the other hand, needed weapons and military support to fend off Saddam’s aggression. This mutual interest led to secret arms deals, which became known as the "Iran-Contra Affair" or "Irangate" in the United States.

The Iran-Contra Affair and the Arms-for-Hostages Deal

One of the most significant revelations in "Treacherous Alliance" is the extent to which Israel acted as a middleman in the Iran-Contra affair, a scandal that rocked the Reagan administration in the 1980s. The essence of this covert operation was that the United States, despite its official policy of not negotiating with terrorists, sought to facilitate the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages held by Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel played a pivotal role in these transactions by acting as an intermediary.

According to Parsi, Israel viewed this arrangement as a way to maintain some level of influence in Iran and to keep channels of communication open, even though the Islamic Republic had publicly denounced it. The arms sales included anti-tank missiles, ammunition, and spare parts for military equipment, demonstrating that Israel was willing to overlook ideological differences for strategic benefits.

What is particularly interesting is how Parsi delves into the decision-making processes on both sides. He shows that even within the ideologically driven regime of Ayatollah Khomeini, there were pragmatic elements that recognized the necessity of dealing with Israel when it served Iran's interests. This underscores one of Parsi’s central arguments: that national interests and realpolitik often take precedence over ideology, even in states that are ostensibly driven by rigid ideological principles.

The “Periphery Doctrine” and Israel’s Pragmatic Approach

Parsi explores Israel's “Periphery Doctrine,” a strategic concept that shaped its foreign policy in the region. The doctrine, developed in the 1950s by Israeli leaders like David Ben-Gurion, involved forming alliances with non-Arab states on the periphery of the Middle East, such as Iran, Turkey, and Ethiopia, to counterbalance hostile Arab neighbors. This doctrine continued to influence Israeli foreign policy even after Iran's Islamic Revolution, as Israel sought to prevent Iraq from emerging as the dominant power in the region.

By providing Iran with military assistance during the Iran-Iraq War, Israel hoped to keep both Iraq and Iran weakened, ensuring that neither would be capable of threatening Israel’s security. This pragmatic approach highlights how Israel, despite its democratic and ideological identity, was willing to engage with an avowedly hostile regime when it aligned with its strategic interests.

The Shift in the Post-War Era and the Rise of Hostility

While Parsi’s book demonstrates that there was significant cooperation between Iran and Israel during the 1980s, the relationship began to sour in the 1990s. After the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988, Iran began to emerge as a regional power, and its revolutionary zeal intensified, particularly with regard to its support for anti-Israel groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Palestinian factions opposed to the peace process.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent reordering of Middle Eastern alliances also contributed to the growing tensions. Iran no longer needed Israel’s support and began to pursue its regional ambitions more aggressively, positioning itself as the champion of the Palestinian cause and an opponent of Israel’s existence.

Parsi explains that this shift marked the beginning of a more overtly antagonistic phase in Iran-Israel relations, but he emphasizes that even during this period, elements of pragmatism occasionally emerged. For instance, Iran refrained from direct military confrontation with Israel and maintained some backchannel communications, particularly in relation to issues involving regional stability and shared threats.

Conclusions and the Significance of "Treacherous Alliance"

Trita Parsi’s "Treacherous Alliance" provides a nuanced and comprehensive account of the secret relationship between Iran and Israel, challenging the simplistic notion that these two countries have always been sworn enemies. Parsi demonstrates that, even during the era of Ayatollah Khomeini’s rule, geopolitical considerations often outweighed ideological rigidity, leading to instances of cooperation that might seem counterintuitive at first glance.

The book is not just a historical recounting but also a study of how national interests, power politics, and pragmatic considerations can drive states to form alliances that defy their public rhetoric. It underscores the complexity of Middle Eastern geopolitics, where alliances and enmities are rarely as clear-cut as they seem.

By shedding light on the secret dealings between Iran and Israel, "Treacherous Alliance" offers valuable insights into the nature of international relations, particularly in a region as volatile and unpredictable as the Middle East. It forces readers to reconsider the conventional narratives of enmity and alliance, revealing that even the most ideologically driven regimes can act pragmatically when their survival and strategic interests are at stake.

In summary, Trita Parsi's work serves as an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the intricate and often paradoxical relationship between Iran and Israel, especially during the Khomeini era. It offers a reminder that in the world of international politics, things are rarely as they appear on the surface.

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