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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

"Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age" by Imran N. Hosein: An Analysis of the Antichrist (Dajjal)

Imran N. Hosein, a renowned Islamic scholar, is widely known for his analysis of contemporary issues in light of Islamic eschatology. One of his most notable works, "Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age," delves deeply into the teachings of the 18th chapter of the Quran, Al-Kahf (The Cave), and its relevance to the challenges of our time. A central theme in Hosein's interpretation is the figure of the Antichrist, known in Islamic tradition as Dajjal. This article explores how Imran N. Hosein’s book relates Surah Al-Kahf to the concept of the Dajjal, shedding light on the insights and warnings that this Quranic chapter offers for the modern age.

Introduction to Surah Al-Kahf

Surah Al-Kahf is one of the most significant chapters in the Quran, particularly concerning the trials and tribulations of the end times. It tells the stories of the People of the Cave, the owner of the two gardens, Prophet Moses (Musa) and Khidr, and Dhul-Qarnayn, a righteous ruler. These narratives are filled with profound lessons that transcend time, addressing themes of faith, knowledge, wealth, power, and the unseen reality.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of Surah Al-Kahf in the context of the end times. He encouraged Muslims to recite this chapter every Friday and highlighted that it provides protection against the trials of Dajjal. This connection between Surah Al-Kahf and Dajjal forms the basis of Imran N. Hosein’s exploration, making it clear that understanding this Surah is crucial for comprehending the challenges posed by Dajjal in the modern world.

Imran N. Hosein’s Perspective on Dajjal

Imran N. Hosein approaches the concept of Dajjal not merely as a mythical figure or a future event but as a dynamic process already at work in the world today. According to Hosein, Dajjal is a complex phenomenon that manifests itself through the ideological, economic, political, and technological systems that dominate the modern age. He argues that the influence of Dajjal can be seen in the secular and materialistic worldview that has taken root, leading humanity away from spiritual and moral values.

In "Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age," Hosein presents Dajjal as an entity whose deception is already unfolding in the present era. He emphasizes that Dajjal's ultimate goal is to create a world that denies the existence of God, promotes materialism, and enslaves humanity through various means of control. Therefore, he asserts that the stories in Surah Al-Kahf provide valuable guidance for recognizing and resisting Dajjal's influence.

The Four Stories of Surah Al-Kahf and Their Relevance to Dajjal

Imran N. Hosein’s interpretation of the four stories in Surah Al-Kahf reveals how each narrative offers insights into different aspects of Dajjal’s deception.

The People of the Cave (Ashab Al-Kahf): The first story is about a group of young believers who sought refuge in a cave to protect their faith from a tyrannical king who demanded that they abandon their monotheistic beliefs. They slept in the cave for centuries and awoke to find that their society had changed.

Hosein relates this story to the challenges faced by believers in the modern age, where maintaining one’s faith is increasingly difficult due to the secular and materialistic environment. The story of the People of the Cave symbolizes the importance of withdrawing from a corrupt society to preserve one's faith, much like the challenges posed by Dajjal, who seeks to lead people away from their religious and moral principles.

The Story of the Owner of the Two Gardens: The second story is about a wealthy man who was arrogant and ungrateful, believing that his wealth and power were permanent. He failed to recognize that everything he had was a blessing from God and could be taken away at any moment.

Hosein interprets this story as a warning against the dangers of materialism and arrogance, traits that are amplified in the modern world. The influence of Dajjal is evident in the way contemporary society prioritizes wealth, status, and luxury, often at the expense of spiritual values. The lesson here is to recognize the temporary nature of worldly possessions and to remain humble and grateful to God.

The Story of Moses (Musa) and Khidr: The third narrative involves Prophet Moses' journey with Khidr, a mysterious figure who teaches Moses about the limitations of human knowledge. Moses witnesses events that seem unjust or inexplicable but eventually learns that there is a divine wisdom behind them.

Imran N. Hosein highlights this story as a reminder that there is more to reality than what meets the eye. In the modern age, where science and technology are often seen as the ultimate sources of knowledge, this story serves as a reminder of the limitations of human understanding. The Dajjalic system encourages people to believe only in what is observable and measurable, thereby denying the unseen dimensions of existence. The story of Moses and Khidr teaches the importance of humility, patience, and faith in divine wisdom.

The Story of Dhul-Qarnayn: The final story in Surah Al-Kahf is about Dhul-Qarnayn, a just ruler who traveled the earth and used his power to establish justice and protect people from the threat posed by Gog and Magog (Ya'juj and Ma'juj).

Hosein draws parallels between Dhul-Qarnayn’s actions and the need for righteous leadership in the face of Dajjal’s influence. He argues that the story exemplifies the importance of using power responsibly and justly, in contrast to the corrupt systems that characterize the modern age. The rise of oppressive, materialistic, and exploitative powers today reflects the influence of Dajjal, and Dhul-Qarnayn’s example offers a model for resisting such forces.

The Modern World as Dajjal’s Playground

Imran N. Hosein’s "Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age" emphasizes that the Dajjal is not merely an individual who will appear in the future but a process of deception that is already deeply embedded in modern civilization. The technological advancements, economic systems, political structures, and cultural norms that dominate today's world are seen as tools through which Dajjal exercises his influence.

Hosein identifies features such as the spread of materialism, the erosion of spiritual values, the dominance of usurious financial systems, and the unbridled pursuit of power and wealth as manifestations of Dajjal’s agenda. He warns that the modern age is characterized by illusions that distract people from the true purpose of life, much like the deceptions attributed to Dajjal.

Surah Al-Kahf as a Guide for Protection Against Dajjal

In light of these challenges, Hosein’s work underscores the importance of Surah Al-Kahf as a means of protection against Dajjal’s influence. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended reciting the first ten and last ten verses of this chapter as a shield against Dajjal. Hosein emphasizes that beyond mere recitation, Muslims must internalize the lessons and wisdom found in the Surah to build resilience against the trials of the modern world.

The themes of faith, humility, gratitude, patience, and justice presented in Surah Al-Kahf serve as antidotes to the deceptions of Dajjal. By reflecting on the stories in this chapter, believers can develop a clearer understanding of the challenges they face and how to navigate them with wisdom and faith.


Imran N. Hosein's "Surah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age" provides a compelling interpretation of how the Quranic chapter is intricately connected to the concept of Dajjal. He presents Dajjal not just as a future figure but as a present reality influencing the ideologies, systems, and values of the modern world. By exploring the stories of Surah Al-Kahf, Hosein highlights the timeless guidance it offers for recognizing and resisting the forces of deception that threaten humanity's spiritual well-being.

In an age where materialism, arrogance, and denial of the divine have become pervasive, Hosein’s insights offer a pathway for believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to prepare themselves for the trials that lie ahead. Surah Al-Kahf stands as a beacon of light, providing protection and guidance in a world increasingly dominated by the deceptions of Dajjal.

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